Upload Website Files using FTP (FileZilla)

FileZilla is a free File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client that lets you upload websites to your hosting account.

  1. Go to the FileZilla download page and obtain the appropriate version for your computer.
  2. Start FileZilla and enter the following details:
    1. Host - The name of the FTP server for your website. For example, "ftp.example.com".
    2. Username - Your username for your FTP account.
    3. Password - Your password for your FTP account.
    4. Port - 21
  3. Click Quickconnect
  4. In the Remote Site section, open your website's root directory. /public_html
  5. In the Local Site section, open the folder containing your website.
  6. Then, select the files to be uploaded and drag-and-drop them under the /public_html folder.
  7. Wait for the transfer to be completed.
  8. Browse to your domain name and see your website files online.
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